Gentle Yoga

November 30, 2020

Gentle Yoga is a class that is catered to all of us.

Whether you are new to yoga or practice every day, a gentle class allows release and relaxation.

We spend a portion of the class in pranayama (breath-work). In Sanskrit pranyama means (prāṇá, “life force, vital energy, the breath”) + (āyāma, “lengthening, extending, stretching”). Pranayama is the fourth limb of the eight limbs of yoga. A large portion of each of Soulshine Yoga class is devoted to pranayama.

"If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly. There is no single more powerful – or more simple – daily practice to further your health and well-being than breath-work." -- Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.

Breathing intentionally energizes our physical and spiritual bodies. The feedback from students regarding breath-work includes feelings of incredible bliss, improved sleep, reduced anxiety, empowered voice to being able to address toxic patterns/relationships.

Spending time extending our vital energy is the solid foundation that all of our asana (seat or movements) are based on. While we commonly perceive asana as the postures that we take throughout the class the literal translation is "seat". For when Patanjali wrote The Yoga Sutras around 400 C.E. yoga was sitting and meditating. The postures that allow us to stretch and gain strength and flexibility were created so that we could sit for longer periods of time. These movements also honor the body with wellness and respect since body is a vehicle of the soul.

We will take gentle poses and stretches that honor where each student is at. Yoga practice is unique to each of us and why we choose to practice may be for improved health or for many more intimate goals.

With the spike in COVID as of December 2020 all of our classes are virtual. You are able to practice in the comfort of your home. Some students choose to keep the camera off during our practice, some prefer on and have communicated that they like written feedback by email regarding their alignment during the practice.

Overall, Soulshine's mission is to hold space for any and every one who is wishing/willing to devote time to honor themselves. There is no day like to day to begin.


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Restorative Yoga